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Refund & Cancellation Policy

How do I cancel an order?
You can cancel your order online before the product has been shipped. Your entire order amount will be refunded. Your refund will be processed once we receive the originally ordered item back from the courier. An order cannot be cancelled once the item has been delivered to you.
How long will it take to process my cancellation request?
Once you request the cancellation of item(s) in your order, it will take us a maximum of 1-2 business days to cancel the order and 3-4 days to initiate a refund. You will be notified of the same by email. Your refund will be processed soon after we receive the cancelled items back from the courier. However, if you opt for having the money transferred back to the source of transaction, it may take up to 7-10 business days for the respective banks to process the refund.
Can I cancel a part of the order?
Whom should we contact to get the money transferred of the cancelled product?
Please send in a mail to info@namsinternational.org having all your bank account details. Benificary name; Account Number; Bank Name; Bank Branch; IFSC code; and your mobile number
How do I return an item purchased on Nams International www.namsinternational.org ?
Returns are easy. Contact Us to initiate a return. You will receive a call explaining the process, once you have initiated a return, one of our logistic partner will come and pick up the product.
How will I get my Money Back if I have paid via COD?
You need to call us on our helpline or mail us at info@namsinternational.org. Once your request is registered from our end, and we have received the product back from you, we shall pay you by cheque deposited in your bank account. The bank account details needs to be provided by you on refund @ info@namsinternational.org Please send us your Beneficiary name; Account Number; Bank Name; Bank Branch; IFSC code; and your mobile number
How will I get my Money Back if I have paid via Debit Card?
You need to call us on our helpline or mail us at info@namsinternational.org. Once your request is registered from our end, and we have received the product back from you, we shall pay you by cheque deposited in your bank account. The bank account details needs to be provided by you on refund @ info@namsinternational.org Please send us your Beneficiary name; Account Number; Bank Name; Bank Branch; IFSC code; and your mobile number
How will I get my Money Back if I have paid via Credit Card?
You need to call us on our helpline or mail us at info@namsinternational.org. Once your request is registered from our end, and we have received the product back from you, we shall credit the amount back in your credit card.